Laurie Lee Brom "Stepford" 2022

“All The Things” preview

Laurie Lee Brom - “Stepford”

new paintings

October 1st - 29th 2022

Opening night reception Oct 1st 6-9pm ~ Artist In Attendance


Roq La Rue is pleased to welcome back painter Laurie Lee Brom for her new solo show "Stepford"- inspired by the "Feminist Horror" tale by Ira Levin. In the classic story- a vivacious and creative woman moves with her husband an kids to the seemingly idyllic town of Stepford, only to discover that the men of the community have been secretly replacing their interesting and independent wives with docile, subservient robots.
While the story takes place in the 1970's, it's obvious that our culture has been taking leaps backwards to a time when the rights and bodies of women were controlled by a group of men slavishly devoted to the domination of their desires upon others, making this exhibit particularly potent.
In this series of paintings, several of the women have far off gazes and enigmatic expressions. However, some exhibit a sly intelligence. Momentarily caged, perhaps there are quiet thoughts of rebellion brewing internally.

This show will feature 7 new paintings. Additionally- these paintings are featured in a limited edition reprint of "The Stepford Wives" by Suntup Editions.

About the artist: Laurie Lee Brom grew up in the historical town of Charleston, South Carolina, where a kaleidoscope of influence have continued to inspire her work till this very day, from local ghost stories and folk tales of the swampy Low Country, to psychedelic daydreams of her youth, to the punk-rock, counter-culture obsessions of her teens.

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